Thursday, March 6, 2014

Many military veterans deal with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. This book will help children understand & cope with PTSD.

Good day everyone! Thanks for stopping by to read my blog. Today I would like to tell you about my Kickstarter campaign for my upcoming book, titled, My Daddy Has PTSD.

But first, please take a few minutes to look over the campaign just to get an idea of what I'm talking about.

   Why did I write this book?

I wrote My Daddy Has PTSD for my son shortly after I was diagnosed with PTSD. It became apparent to me that PTSD is a subject many people try to avoid because so few people understand what it is. That is the wrong answer. People need to understand, and it needs to start with our children.

During my seven year tour on a Unit Ministry Team in the U.S. Army I witnessed things that few people can imagine—things that will last in my memory forever. From having to bury a battle buddy who committed suicide in front of his wife and kids, to witnessing the last breath of two of my battle buddies following a tragic vehicle accident. And yet as traumatic as these things were, the hardest part was providing support to the family members and battle buddies who were left behind. Over the years I have dealt with (or helped to deal with) hundreds of cases pertaining to suicide, combat deaths, PTSD, equal opportunity, low morale, and well being counseling--for Soldiers, veterans and family members. So when I was diagnosed with PTSD, I knew exactly what I was dealing with. I also knew that my loving family would have to suffer right alongside me. 

So I wrote this book as a tool to help explain to my son (and future children) exactly what it is that daddy is dealing with. I believe that plenty of other daddies (and mommies, too) can also use this book to help explain their symptoms to their children.

The subject of PTSD is very near and dear to my heart. I have seen the problems that trauma-caused anxiety, depression, stress and fear can create with Soldiers and their family members. I have heard the cries and witnessed the destruction. This disorder is very real, and more common than you may think.

   About the book:

My Daddy Has PTSD is a simple story presented through the eyes of a young child, and includes the confusion, as well as the coming of understanding, many military children today face. It asks the question, "What is wrong with daddy?" and politely answers by saying, "Daddy is going through some things, but here's how we can help..." Children of all ages will learn about some of the symptoms of PTSD, and how the family as a whole can cope with the issues. But most importantly, the book teaches children that what daddy or mommy is going through is not the fault of the children, and that PTSD should be looked at as a sign of strength and not weakness.

My Daddy Has PTSD has been accepted and will be released to bookstores everywhere by Tate Publishing. We recently entered the production stage, which could take up to 5 to 10 months. The estimated release date is between August 2014 and January 2015. The finished product will include at least ten beautiful full-color illustrations. It will be a quick and easy read, meant to be something that can be read and enjoyed over and over again and passed down through the family. The book is recommended for children ages 3 and up.

I have done my research. You will not find another book for children that covers such a delicate and misunderstood topic--especially one written by a Soldier who deals with and understands PTSD.

    In Conclusion...

I hope to accomplish two things with this campaign: To rally enough support through various military and civilian communities to ensure that My Daddy Has PTSD makes it into as many hands as possible, and to raise enough funds to cover a nation-wide book tour.

Please join me as I take on this project. Whether you are a Soldier, family member, supporter of Soldiers, or simply someone who wants to help troops, by supporting this project you will be reaching out to the millions of families across America who could use a book like this. I can't do this without YOUR support. If you know someone who could benefit from My Daddy Has PTSD, please be sure to direct them to this site. Also, be sure to share this event on Facebook, Twitter, your blog, and any other means. The key to success is word of let's start talking!

   Thank you in advance for your support!


Casey Sean Harmon

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